New Year, New You? Green resolutions you should be making

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A new year is a perfect time to assess what you have achieved throughout the last twelve months and set goals and challenges for you to accomplish. These do not have to be big, especially when it comes to climate change and sustainability; it only takes a few small changes to make a big difference.

Here at Building Energy Group, we are passionate about reducing individual energy consumption and promoting sustainability in everyday life. We have put together our top tips of how you can go into a new year leading a greener lifestyle…

Environmentally Friendly New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Be more conscious of your recycling
    You probably have a recycling bin in your home or place of work, but do you know exactly what materials can be recycled? Do not just put any waste in it and presume it can be recycled – do your research and make sure that you are disposing of your waste correctly.
  2. Purchase a reusable water bottle
    Reusable water bottles are a great investment, not only for the planet, but for your spending too! Instead of buying multiple plastic bottles, you should invest in a reusable water bottle that you can refill when needed. We love Chilly’s Bottles, but there are many other options available to purchase!
  3. Stop sending unnecessary emails
    Did you know that over 64 million ‘unnecessary’ emails are sent every day in the UK? That results in almost 23,500 unnecessary tons of carbon every year! The ‘Think Before You Thank’ campaign suggests that we can reduce our carbon output by over 16,433 tons, ‘simply by each adult sending one less ‘thank you’ email a day.’ So, do you really need to send that ‘thank you’ email?
  4. Shop locally and sustainably
    Buying products from local sellers and suppliers means you will reduce your carbon footprint, since there is less transport required. It is also a great way to support local businesses within your area, especially if they have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  5. Cut down on unnecessary travel
    2020 has been the year of Zooms, FaceTime’s, and virtual gatherings… why not continue this trend into 2021 once travel restrictions are lifted? If you are required to attend a business meeting overseas, make sure to fully understand the intentions first so you can see if the meeting could be conducted virtually instead. This will cut down on unnecessary carbon emissions and travel time.
  6. Buy pre-loved products
    Become more aware of how many products you are buying and where you are buying them from – could you buy these second-hand instead? You can find many second-hand or pre-loved items from charity shops or websites like Depop and eBay (some almost brand new!) and it is much better for the environment rather than constantly buying new products.
  7. Explore a plant-based diet
    Taking the plunge to become fully plant-based, vegan, or vegetarian might be a daunting task at first, but there is no doubt that this is better for the environment due to the impact meat and agriculture has on carbon emissions. Start small and make it fun with things like ‘meat-free Monday’ or ‘Veganuary’ and slowly introduce a few meat-free substitutes to help benefit the environment.
  8. Encourage others to make small changes
    We love this quote from Ann Marie Bonneau: “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly” – we couldn’t agree more! Encourage friends and family that minor changes will make a major difference; spreading awareness of how we can protect our planet means we can all reduce our carbon footprint.

We hope this blog post will inspire you to make some eco-friendly New Year’s resolutions! We are passionate about reducing commercial energy usage so if you are too, be sure to contact us!

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