Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme: What is ESOS?

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If you are a large business or organisation, the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is mandatory for you to complete. Administered by The Environment Agency in the UK, this must be carried out every four years to ensure enterprises are up-to-date with the correct legislation. 

If you fail to comply with ESOS requirements or do not notify The Environment Agency that you have completed the ESOS assessment, your organisation can face large financial penalties. Below explains everything you need to know about ESOS and how it can benefit your business, plus how to get in touch with us to complete your ESOS assessment for you. 

What does ESOS mean?

The definition from of ESOS is “a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK.” Introduced by the UK government, ESOS is an audit that large businesses and enterprises have to undertake to make sure that they are energy efficient. The scheme’s policy also states that the ESOS assessment has to be completed every four years to ensure that businesses are finding new ways to save energy. 

Does my business need an ESOS assessment?

If your company or organisation matches any of the following, you must comply with ESOS:

  • You have over 250 members of staff in the UK (even if you business is based overseas)
  • A turnover of over €50 million (approx. £44.1m) or an annual balance sheet of over €43 million (approx. £37.9m) 
  • Your business is part of a larger organisation that falls into any of the above criteria

Does your company meet any of these benchmarks and are looking to start the process of becoming ESOS compliant? Contact us today and we can assist you with an efficient ESOS audit! 

Why should you get an ESOS assessment?

Not only does an ESOS assessment ensure that you are energy compliant, it provides extensive recommendations of how you and your business can save energy. Once the ESOS audit has been carried out, this then becomes the foundation for you to improve energy efficiency, operations, plus save your business money. You will also receive an ISO 50001 certification (valid for four years), demonstrating that your organisation is ESOS compliant. 

How can Building Energy Group help? 

As experts in ESOS regulation, Building Energy Group can help you undertake an extensive ESOS audit to ensure that not only your organisation is saving money and energy in the most efficient way possible, it will also include lengthy recommendations for you to become more environmentally friendly moving forward. This is not just a box ticking exercise – an ESOS audit can really help your organisation understand exactly what you need to do to save energy both operationally and financially. 

Find out more about UK ESOS assessments with us and how to arrange an assessment here.

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