Thermal Comfort Analysis

The risk of overheating in buildings is becoming more prevalent as changing climates and global energy insecurity make the control of indoor climate increasingly problematic.

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Overheating occurs in a building either through inappropriate design, poor management or inadequate services. Features of a design that support lower winter heating demand (such as large areas of south facing windows, high levels of insulation, low air permeability rates and low thermal mass) can result in excessively high internal temperatures during summer months.

In response to this increasing level of risk, CIBSE have developed an adaptive methodology to assess the predicted level of thermal comfort within a building. This assessment can be carried out at the detailed design stage by way of Dynamic Simulation Model. CIBSE TM52 sets three criteria for compliance. A building that fails two or more of the criteria is deemed to be at unacceptable risk of overheating:

  1. Criterion 1: Hours of Exceedance
  2. Criterion 2: Daily Weighted Exceedance
  3. Criterion 3: Upper Limit Temperature


Our experienced consultants can guide you smoothly through compliance, from concept to completion. In addition to producing a detailed analysis of your building against the CIBSE TM52 thermal comfort metric, our service includes all the support and advice required to ensure every building achieves a pass.